16-year-old Shiwa Hasmi of Bardia district, who suffered serious burn injuries after being set on fire by an Indian national following her decision not to accept his marriage proposal, breathed her last at Bir Hospital in Kathmandu on Wednesday.
Family sources said Shiwa died at 7 am today morning while undergoing treatment at the hospital. Ninety percent of her body was severely burnt in the fire and doctors treating her had said that their was little chance she will survive. It is learnt that the family is taking Shiwa’s body to her hometown Gulariya today to burry her according to proper Muslim tradition.

Enragd by her rejection to his repeated proposal to elope with him for marriage, Indian national Babu Khan, 23, had set Shiwa on fire by sprinkling petrol on her body when she was fast alseep in her house on December 9.
Khan was immediately arrested by the police after the incident while the unfortunate girl was airlifted to Kathmandu for further treatment on Monday after spending two days in Nepalgunj Zonal Hospital without enough money to pay for her treatment.

It was only after the government decided to bear all the cost of her treatment and few other generous people came forward to help her that she was brought to the capital and admitted at Bir Hospital. Nepalnews/Dec 12


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