Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala, who was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, underwent a successful surgery in New York Monday.
“Manisha underwent a surgery on Monday at around 9 am. I got a message from her family members and they said it was a successful surgery,” Subroto Ghosh, Manisha’s manager, told Indian media.

“Manisha’s mother, father and her brother are by her side. One of her close friends is also there with her,” he added.

Koirala had shared a picture of her and her relatives on a social-networking site on Monday, a day before she underwnt a major surgery at Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York.

In the picture she had shared on Twitter, Manisha looks very pale, but still carrying her trademark innocent smile that set many hearts aflutter when she starred in a number of successful and critically acclaimed Bollywood movies in the late 90s.

Reaching out to her fans, she had tweeted, “’Dear friends I m writing this as a no sadness,I hv told my closest friends n fam too..this is part of life..I m fine n will be fine no matter the out come..I m in gratitude with all the gifts I hv received from this your love n prayers..lets celebrate life in all forms..thank you again for ur prayers…love m.”

Manisha, 42, flew to New York on December 1 accompanied by her father Prakash Koirala, mother Sushma and brother Siddhartha to undergo a treatment for ovarian cancer.


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